

 1. What is Arduino? 2. What is Arduino UNO? 3. Arduino UNO Components 4. How to write Program Arduino UNO 5. Difference between Arduino Board and Microcontroller Board 6.Write down the some application of  Arduino UNO 7. Difference between Arduino UNO and Arduino Nano. 8. Applications of Arduino Nano


 1. IoT is known as     Internet of Things Internet of Theory Initialization of Tasks Interest of Things ans: a 2. Global Sensor Network is built for _________     a)Reducing cost and time for development b)Reducing cost and increasing time for development c)Increasing cost and increasing time for development d)Increasing cost and decreasing time for development ans: a 3. Who will use their own IoT business models?    a)PaaS     b)SaaS     c)IoT Service Provider     d)IaaS ans: c 4. What does HTTP do?     a)Enables network resources and reduces perception of latency.   b)Reduces perception of latency and allows multiple concurrency exchange.     c)Allows multiple concurrent exchange and enables network resources         d)Enables network resources and reduces perception of latency and Allows multiple concurrent exchange...

Industry 4.0

 v> Concept of Industry 4.0, Features of Industry 4.0, Industry revolution- first, second, third and fourth industry revolution and their key features, advantages and disadvantages of Industry 4.0 Concept of Industrial IoT: Basics about Industrial IoT, Business Model and Reference architecture of IIoT, Big Data Analytics and Software Defined Networks, Industrial IoT: Security and Fog Computing - Fog Computing.

Different Associated technologies with IoT

 v> IoT and Cloud, Role of IoT in Big Data – What is Big Data, Features of Big Data, Impact of IoT in Big Data, Challenges for IoT- Big Data scenario, IoT and Cloud- Concept, Advantages of using Cloud with IoT, Sensor cloud , disadvantages of IoT-cloud, Vehicular IoT, Concept of IoMT

Practical Aspects of IoT

 v> Concept of Arduino – Arduino UNO and Arduino NANO, Architecture of Arduino , Programming concept using Arduino- some basic programming in Arduino for IoT, IoT and Python- Python as a language to design IoT program- Concept of Python – variable, Concept of Numpy and Pandas, advantages of using Python for development of IoT projects.

Some real life applications of IoT

 v> What is smart healthcare, Role of IoT in smart healthcare, Case studies on smart Healthcare, Smart city project using IoT, Concept of Smart Metering, Case study about Smart meter, Smart Surveillance project and home automation using IoT- Case study, IoT in agriculture – Role of IoT in agriculture, potential and issues, Brief idea about some real life projects on IoT in agriculture.

IoT Concepts and Sensor devices

 v> Concept of sensor- Definition of sensor, definition of actuator, Characteristics of sensors, IoT gateway, Different type of sensor devices, Basic terminologies related to sensor , importance of sensor devices in IoT applications, Different type of sensor devices used in IoT, Different layers of IoT- sensing, network, service, interface layer , comparison between IoT stack and web stack, IoT protocols based on Functionality, MQTT method – its definition, component, application, advantages of MQTT, Disadvantages of MQTT.